With my boyfriend being an "Amazon-aholic" the kitchen gets stocked up with bulk food buys (I enjoy this perk of living with him a whole lot). I'm always buying veggies on a whim & not to mention both of us going out to eat with plenty of leftovers sitting around! There's a new rule set for the apartment: no eating out until we clean out. Its been two and a half weeks and still going.
Fresh veggies that are left consist of: celery, 2 small carrots, 3 radishes, old (too old) kale, 1 avocado & 1/2 head of cauliflower.
One thing I miss (and didn't know I enjoy) is the buying of fresh herbs. I find myself looking for cilantro. Some basil? Nope. If I go in grocery store I won't come out with just basil. Not surprisingly it has made me more creative with what I cook. Digging a little deeper into the pantry. Substituting for what i don't have. I expect this to last until saturday when
my little sis comes into town.
p.s. as I write this I'm in a bakery eating an organic cupcake. Sssshhh don't tell the cat.